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Kitab Shahih Bukhari android application is a collection of hadiths from Kitab Shahih Bukhari , there are more than 7000 hadiths with Indonesian translation.
Kitab Shahih Bukhari and Muslim's Sahih Book are the most authentic hadith books when compared to other hadith books, these two authentic books are also known as As-Shahihain (when translated into Indonesian it roughly means "two authentic books'), but not all authentic hadiths are found in the book of As-Shahihain. We can find authentic hadiths that are not found in As-Shahihain in the books of other hadith scholars such as Sahih Ibnu Khuzaimah, Sahih Ibn Hibban, The four Sunan books, Mustadrak Al-Hakim, Sunan Al-Baihaqi, Sunan Ad-Daruquthni, and others.
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